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Gathering together for prayer, worship, and learning in a friendly and loving atmosphere is the core of our life together at St. Peter’s Chapel.


In our services we hear God’s Word, give God thanks for our many blessings, and ask for God’s guidance and help.  Outside of our services we are supportive of Leelanau Christian Neighbors, 5Loaves2FishNMI, and Grace Episcopal Church's Traverse City Food Pantry, which help those in our community who can use a hand.

The Episcopal Church's presence in Leland began in 1908, when the Rt. Rev. Charles Woodcock, Bishop of the Diocese of Kentucky, began holding services in his summer home, and later in the homes of other summer residents.  St. Peter's Chapel began in 1964, with approval by the Diocese of Western Michigan.


As seldom before in our lifetimes, we have been reminded of how much we need each other, how much the world needs our witness, and how “neither death, nor life … nor things present, nor things to come … nor anything else in all creation, will separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” 


We hope you will join us!



St. Peter’s 2024 summer season goes from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend.  Dress is casual for all Chapel meetings.

We are led by Bishop Charles Bennison, and enthusiastic about welcoming people of all faith backgrounds, denominations, and ages to worship with us.


Jesus offers his followers the greatest gifts we could hope to receive: spiritual peace and eternal life. In these complex and uncertain times, it is our hope at St. Peter's to affirm and spread this good news, as well as the love that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have for each one of us.


The Rt. Rev. Charles Bennison was born in Minneapolis in 1943 and raised in Illinois and Michigan. Ordained in 1968, he served as rector of parishes in Los Angeles and Atlanta (1971-1991), taught pastoral theology at the Episcopal Divinity School, Cambridge, Massachusetts (1992-1997), and was the Bishop of the Diocese of Pennsylvania (1997-2012). His holds a B.A. in history summa cum laude from Lawrence University, Appleton, Wisconsin, and graduate degrees in theology and philosophy from Harvard Divinity School, Claremont Graduate University, Union Theological Seminary of New York City, and the New School for Social Research. He is the author of In Praise of Congregations: Leadership in the Local Church Today. He and his wife now divide their time between Sea Island, Georgia, and Leland.



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Jack Biggs

Senior Warden

Class of 2026

A native of St. Louis, Jack is a lifelong Episcopalian who has served as Senior Warden, a Vestry member, and Chair of the Rector Search Committee.  In addition, he served as Chairman of the Board of a local Episcopal hospital.

Jack’s career included senior executive positions in food equipment, footwear, and community banking businesses.


He has been active in numerous non-profits, both in St. Louis and in Leland, where he and his family first visited circa 1950.

When not in Leland, Jack and his wife Betsy reside in Vero Beach, Florida.  They have three children and five grandchildren.

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Kate Appel


Class of 2026

Kate is a lifelong Episcopalian and member of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Indianapolis, where she has served as Junior Warden, on the Vestry and Stewardship Committee, and as a longtime member of the choir. 

She helped found Faith, Justice & the Arts, an outreach project using the arts as a vehicle to talk about societal injustice, as well as University High School.


Kate and her husband Dan have three married children who live close by in Indianapolis. Their five grandchildren range from toddler to high schooler.

When in Leland, Kate and Dan reside in the house his paternal grandfather built in 1928.

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Greg Workman


Class of 2025

Greg has been the Treasurer of St. Peter’s Chapel since 2021.  He and his wife Susan also are members of St. Barnabas in Montgomery, Ohio, where he serves as a Eucharistic Minister.


Greg spent 30 years in consulting leadership positions at Deloitte Consulting and several other firms, working in healthcare.  He retired in 2017.


Greg and Susan raised triplets - two daughters (Alyson and Elizabeth) and a son (Greg).  They have owned a house in Leland since 1993. 


Susan’s family is originally from Traverse City.  Her parents, Tom and Alyce Hoban were long-time members of St. Peter’s Chapel.


Sally Buchanan

Class of 2025

Website Manager

Sally comes from a long line of Episcopalians, including her great-grandfather, who served as priest in the Diocese of Pennsylvania. 


Raised, baptized, and confirmed in Coffeyville, Kansas, Sally’s career was mostly in the technology industry in Chicago. 


While living in River Forest, Illinois, Sally attended Grace Episcopal Church and served on the Rector Search Committee.


Sally and her husband Dave retired from corporate careers in 2007, and for 14 years have owned and managed Shady Lane Market in Suttons Bay.  They have one son, Trey. 


Sally’s grandfather purchased the family cottage on North Lake Street in the 1930’s.


Nina Claytor

Class of 2024

Nina, a cradle Episcopalian, served as Eucharistic minister, head of the Altar and Flowers Guilds, and on the Long Range Planning Committee of St. Francis of the Fields, Harrods Creek, Kentucky.


Nina and her husband Preston are members of St Paul's, Delray Beach, Florida.

Nina's career was in banking before she retired in 2000,

In Louisville, Nina raised two daughters, Caroline McMillen (Bryan) and Houghton Hyatt (Ben), each of whom has two children.  

Nina's connection to Leland began in the 1920s when her maternal grandparents began coming to Leland to escape the hot Kentucky summers.


Lee Cory

Class of 2025

Lee Cory has been a parishioner at St. Peter's for many years. She and her husband, Neal, are members of St. Francis in the Fields in Harrods Creek, Kentucky, where she has served as Vestry member, Daughter of the King, and Sunday School teacher. 


Lee is an attorney who left the active practice of law when her first daughter was born. Since then, she has worked as a volunteer legal advocate for preservation, conservation, and smart land use. 


Lee and Neal have two daughters, Stewart Cory-Kline (Eric) and Preston Cory, who are the fourth generation of their family to have Leland roots. 


Alex Curchin

Class of 2026


Alex is a life-long Episcopalian and has attended St. Peter’s Chapel for many years. 


He and his wife Cindy also are members of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, Joplin, Missouri, where Alex served on the Vestry.


Alex is an attorney who has practiced law for 50+ years and served as a judge for 20 years.  He currently serves as chief legal officer for Crossland Construction Company.


Cindy and Alex have three children, Louise Secker (Eric), Alex IV (Anne), and Graham.  They have 7 grandchildren who all love Leland.


Leslie Maclin

Class of 2026

Eucharistic Minister
Marketing & Communications

Leslie is a year ‘round Leland resident who was formerly active at St.
Matthews Episcopal Church (Evanston, IL) where she served on the
Vestry, and St. Lukes Episcopal Church (Kalamazoo, MI).
She is the Principal of Isthmus Innovation, an innovation strategy
consulting practice that develops investment stage food technology.
Prior roles include Breakthrough Innovation at Kellogg’s and Kraft-Heinz
Foods. She received her B.A. from the University of Kentucky.
Leslie and her husband, Bill McCrory, have two children: Carlie (Beto Brown) and William.
She is an avid silent sports enthusiast (runner, XC skier, paddle boarder,
biker & hiker) and proud to be the Fayette County Fair Grand Champion (Clover Leaf Yeast Rolls if you must know!), delighting in preparing the
communion bread for St. Peter’s Chapel Celtic Service.


Alice Neild

Class of 2024

Alice has been Assistant Treasurer for St. Peter’s for the last 6 years.


She is a member of Christ Church, in Bronxville, New York, where she has served on the Altar Guild for many years.

Alice considers herself lucky to have married into Leland some 60 years ago. She was absent for a few years but returned about 30 years ago.


Alice has three children and nine grandchildren.


Steve Owsley

Class of 2026

Steve Owsley and his wife Cabrina are members of Christ Church Cathedral in Houston, Texas.


Steve is a trial lawyer, and has a small firm named Owsley Law Firm, PLLC.


Steve and Cabrina have three children, Mansfield, Luciana, and Finnian.


Steve’s family connection to Leland began when his great grandfather first came to Leland in 1904.


Phil Scherer

Class of 2026

Phil and his wife, Kathy, are members of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Louisville, where Phil has served on the Vestry and the Finance and Endowment Committees.


A graduate of the University of Alabama and the University of Kentucky (MBA), Phil just celebrated fifty years in the commercial real estate brokerage business.  


The Scherers bought a cottage on Good Harbor Bay in 1980.


Their daughter Langley is a Physician Assistant in Salt Lake City. Their son, E.P., is a partner in Phil’s real estate business and frequent visitor to Leland along with his wife, Abby and their three children. 


Jim Shad

Class of 2026

An Atlanta native, Jim has been a confirmed Episcopalian for most of his adult life.
Jim has regularly worshipped at St. Peter’s during his many summers in Leland since arriving in 1983.

Jim’s career includes executive management with Procter and Gamble, Novartis, LG Electronics and The Viking Range Corporation.

He serves in numerous volunteer capacities in Leland and Vero Beach, FL.

Jim and his wife Linda have two children, Jennifer and Scott, and three grandchildren.



Neal Cory


Having grown up in Louisville, Kentucky, Neal has been coming to Leland since he was born, and he became a Michigan resident in 2010.  

When not in Leland, Neal returns to Louisville for a few winter months. Neal has been married to Lee for 45 years.  Their two daughters, Stewart Cory-Kline (Eric) and Preston, are fourth generation Lelanders. 

Neal is a former Senior Warden and lifelong member of St. Francis in the Fields in Louisville.  He graduated from Washington & Lee University and has worked in the investment management business his whole career for Hilliard Lyons, now R. W. Baird.

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Lynne Lyons

Eucharistic Minister and Facilitator of the Interpreters’ Table

Lynne was born in New York and grew up in Woodbridge, Connecticut. She has a BA in Political Science from George Washington University and spent fourteen years as an aide to US Senator Howard Baker of Tennessee.


Lynne and her husband Mark have been married 42 years and have a daughter, Molly. They have been worshipping at St. Peter's since 2014.


Mark’s career with Citigroup took the family to Chicago, New York, and London. Since Mark's retirement, the Lyons live half the year in Leland and the other half in Williamsburg, Virginia, where they are members of Bruton Parish.


Walter Schmid

Chair of Outreach and Liaison to Leelanau Christian Neighbors and 5Loaves2Fish

Walter is a Leland resident and enjoys many of the wonderful opportunities and activities the community has to offer.  He is retired and lives in Leland with his wife Leslie. They enjoy traveling and tear themselves away from Leland once or twice a year. 


Online Giving

Thank you for supporting the valuable work of St. Peter's Chapel.   You may participate in giving by placing your gift in the offering plate at either of our three weekend services.  Or by clicking the button below you have opportunity to give online with your "virtual plate" offering or pledge.

If you wish to donate appreciated stock, use the Contact Us Form to indicate your desire and someone will reach out to you.


All stewardship donations support St Peter's programs including, our key local community partners:  Leelanau Christian Neighbors and 5Loaves2Fishes.


2024 Calendar

​St. Peter’s Ladies Social Night benefiting LCN, Thursday, July 11, 5:00pm-7:00pm, contact or call Leslie Maclin (773-679-7789), Sally Buchanan (231-631-1881), or Melissa Crimmins (415-254-1622) You’ll enjoy Summer Cocktails & Community while creating Personal Care Kits for our local partner, LCN.


St. Peter’s Annual Grand Opportunity Liturgical Arts Day for Children and Youth (and their Grandparents and “Grand” Parents) will be at the Old Art Building on Saturday, July 20, 11:00am to 2:00pm. Kids will paint a frontal for the altar, make special candles, arrange flowers, and enjoy lunch together. Click here for more details and to RSVP:



Fill our contact form to get in touch with a member of our Leadership Team.
We will return your message as soon as possible.  

Thanks for submitting!

St. Peter's Chapel

203 Cedar Street E

P O Box 71

Leland, MI 49654

We meet in the Munnecke Room of the Leland Library, next to the Old Art Building in Leland.

Phone Contacts: 

Bishop Charles Bennison - 215-519-3669

Senior Warden Jack Biggs - 314-517-7449

Visit the Episcopal Diocese of Western Michigan.

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